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Scott "The Body" Monroe debuts and Drake has him reeling from the very start.
Monroe tries to reach the rope to pull out of Drake's punishing body scissors.
Drake corners Scott Monroe to hammer away at his 8 pack.
Monroe's head is spinning as Drake carries him around the ring over his shoulders.
Monroe hits the canvas hard and it's taking its toll on his spine.
Drake sets up a DDT which crushes Monroe's neck and leaves him seeing stars.
Monroe screams in agony as Drake surfs his body closer to victory.
Monroe grimaces as Drake's forearm crushes the larynx and throat.
Drake stands on the rope to get leverage in his single handed choke of Monroe.
Drake's constant pounding of Monroe's rock hard midsection is taking its toll.
Drake tries to snap Monroe's ribs in a bow and arrow.
The fighters are chest to chest as Drake reaches up for a headlock.
Monroe screams as Drake tries to snap his ankle.
Monroe takes control briefly and lines Drake up to work over his ripped abs.
Drake feels the hits but Monroe is weakened and won't be in control for long.
Drake claws the kidney area of Scott Monroe a hold that causes great pain.
Monroe would be pinned if there was a ref but this is No Rules Wrestling.
Drake holds Monroe in position to deliver a strike to his face.
The aftermath of Drake's fist to his face has Monroe covering up.
Monroe screams in a low bear hug from Drake that crushes the lower ribs.
Drake works over Monroe's arm threatening to snap the elbow.
Again Monroe is caught is a leg scissors and Drake cranks on his head to damage the neck.
Drake, drenched in sweat, as a tight grip on Scott Monroe's throat and won't let up.
Monroe has taken a brutal beating from Drake but it's not over yet.
Drake sets up Monroe for the kill, both fighters are glistening.
Monroe's 8 pack hasn't helped him in this match, he is a rag doll.
Drake puts Monroe in the corner and rushes in to deliver the double fisted sternum hammer.
Monroe is out cold. Drake comes in to check and make sure is opponent is out.
"He's done"
Ripped Scott "The Body" Monroe suffers defeat in his first fight at NRW.