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Prior to this fight Sean Quick was talking smack about being able to handle Meadlock.
Meadlock shakes Sean's hand and convinces him to return to the corner.
Sean made a rookie mistake turning his back to Meadlock and paid for it.
Quick's world is rocked already in the first seconds of the series.
Meadlock sets Sean up for a massive haymaker.
Quick's head nearly flies off from Meadlock's punch.
An early low blow has Quick in agony.
Meadlock uses both hands to choke the steam out of Sean.
Meadlock torments his opponent in a painful full nelson.
A hair pull and a choke has Sean in trouble.
Quick looks up at Meadlock, this is a lot tougher than he expected.
Another right knocks Sean Quick off his feet.
Meadlock applies a tight scissor sleeper.
With a handful of Sean's hair, Meadlock pounds away at his head.
Quick reaches out for isn't coming.
With Quick still lying out cold from their wrestling match, Meadlock picks him up to continue.
Quick isn't even fully conscious when Meadlock pulls him back up.
Meadlock applies a rib crushing bearhug low on the body.
Quick grimmaces, all he can do is hold on.
The look on his face shows it all, his ribs are breaking.
Quick's head is back and he screams in the air as Meadlock continues the squeeze.
From overhead you can see the agony Quick is in.
Meadlock releases and Quick hangs in the corner.
Quick covers his damaged ribs.
Meadlock traps Quick's arms in a second bearhug.
His face shows it all, the damage has been done.
After constant bearhugs, a snap is heard and Meadlock drops Quick. SECOND KNOCKOUT.
Meadlock picks up where he left off this time going for the abs.
Quick is out cold from the bearhugs.
Meadlock picks him up and starts hammering at the abs.
Quick hangs in the corner, see the red welt on his upper abs?
Meadlock hangs him over the ropes and pulls back to hammer away.
Quick's abs continue to take a pounding.
Quick is out of it as Meadlock moves in for another strike.
Quick cannot believe the pain.
Poor Sean is about to get hammered again in the abs.
Meadlock's strikes hit their mark and Quick sucumbs to the pain.
Quick is down, and he's not moving.
Quick is done, but Meadlock isn't and now the heart is the target.
Quick is right where Meadlock left him after the last knockout.
"I ain't done with you boy."
Meadlock places Sean's left arm up and behind his head exposing the pec.
After smashing into the pec muscle Sean is awakened from the pain.
Quick clutches his heart, he is seriously injured. This should stop.
Meadlock wants to destroy him and mocks Quick before the next strike.
The deafening thud of the strike fills the room.
Quick hangs, incapacitated from the strikes to his heart.
Again and again Meadlock pounds the heart leaving Quick suffering.
A final blow right to the sternum finishes off Quick in a dangerous way.
Sean is down and out for the FOURTH TIME!
This squash of Sean is brutal, and it's not over.
Meadlock pulls a hesitant Sean Quick to his feet.
And slams him down to the canvas.
Meadlock applies a figure four to the neck of Quick.
Upon release Sean tries to roll away.
Now Meadlock locks on leg scissors to the neck of Quick.
The legs across the throat of Sean are crushing the larynx.
Sean grabs at his throat between neck assaults.
Meadlock doesn't allow him to rest, he goes right back on the attack.
Meadlock smiles at a suffering Sean Quick.
Meadlock is intense as his final leg scissors causes Quick to black out.
Sean Quick needs this to be over, Meadlock will now attack the spine.
Still lying where Meadlock choke scissored him out, Sean is about to suffer more.
Meadlock squeezes the throat while bending Sean over his knee.
Meadlock digs into the throat.
Meadlock is enjoying owning the ripped young rookie.
Look at the veins popping out on Sean's right bicep, it won't help him though.
A camel clutch is doing it's job to the spine of Quick.
Quick is crushed, but this isn't over.
Meadlock bends Sean even more over his knee, the spine is hyper-extended.
Meadlock surfs Quick, Sean's face shows the pain.
Meadlock looks to the fans as he executes a perfect rack.
Quick lies near death after the SIXTH KNOCKOUT!
This time Meadlock is going for broke.
Meadlock pulls a badly damaged Sean Quick to his feet.
Meadlock sets up his next assault.
Meadlock cranks a tight inverted choke and Quick suffers.
Quick tries to cover up. This beating has been brutal.
Meadlock applies a neck wrenching full nelson.
Quick is damaged goods. Someone stop this.
Meadlock goes to work on the arm.
He twists is behind's Sean's back nearly snapping the elbow.
Another full nelson has Sean suffering.
Meadlock's face shows the intensity of another inverted choke.
Quick collapses, completely destroyed.
Quick is out for the SEVENTH TIME.
Believe it or not, after a day's rest, Sean Quick returns for a rematch.
Meadlock tells Quick he admires his courage for returning.
The punches Quick in the jaw.
The punch was devastating. Quick is down.
Meadlock picks up Quick and carries him around mocking him.
Meadlock returns to his favorite inverted choke.
A low blow has Sean in serious pain.
Meadlock pulls up Sean by the hair and pounds away at his face.
A two handed choke that Quick can't break.
Meadlock applies a tight sleeper choke to a standing Sean Quick.
Meadlock looks down at an opponent that he has enjoyed thoroughly destroying.
And we have to admit, we've enjoyed every moment of this awesome series ourselves.
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